Quantum Design is very excited to announce the appointment of its new global Chief Executive Officer – Stuart Schoenmann.
Mr. Schoenmann has several decades worth of experience leading technology companies through periods of successful growth and expansion and comes with knowledge in areas such as life science instrumentation, non-contact infrared measurement devices, photonics, optics, and lasers.
December 12, 2024
Read MoreQuantum Design now distributing KP Technology in North America and India
Quantum Design and KP Technology have entered into a distribution agreement. Quantum Design will sell KP Technology's ambient, photovoltage, and UHV kelvin probe systems in North America and India.
October 24, 2024
View ProductsQuantum Design holds Inaugural OptiCool Conference in Chicago
On September 9-10, Quantum Design, in partnership with The Chicago Quantum Exchange and Lake Shore Cryotronics, hosted the first-ever "Magneto-Optics in Quantum Materials Conference" which served as the inaugural OptiCool user meeting at the University of Chicago.
September 9, 2024
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Quantum Design recognized as a Sustaining Member of MSA
At the recent Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) Show in Cleveland, Ohio, Quantum Design was recognized for being a sustaining member of the Microscopy Society of America. We are committed to advancing microscopy and its many applications in science and industry.
August 1, 2024
Quantum Design Hosts Inaugural Winter School Session
QD launched our new yearly Winter School at our San Diego headquarters. Led by application scientists Randy Dumas and Darius Choksy, six exceptional users of our PPMS and MPMS 3 platforms were offered a unique opportunity to experience a week of advanced measurement training.
February 5-9, 2024
Read More and View Photos2023
Quantum Design Accepts R&D 100 Award at Gala Dinner!
Quantum Design accepted the R&D 100 Award at the annual R&D 100 Awards Gala on November 16, 2023. The award was given to Quantum Design for the development of the FusionScope®, chosen as a true innovation in its field. Several members of the FusionScope team were there to celebrate and accept the award. To see photos of the event, click here.
November 16, 2023
View Gala PhotosFusionScope Makes the Cover of the November Issue of Microscopy Today
Quantum Design Microscopy is incredibly proud not only to have their most recent article accepted for publication by Microscopy Today, but also asked to be the cover image. FusionScope is truly an innovative solution for correlative AFM/SEM microscopy, and placement in prestigious journals like Microscopy Today will help to spread the word about this robust, easy-to-use technology.
November 2023
Read ArticleWhy Discovery Labs are so Important to Students and Communities
Experience the inside story of our newest Teaching and Materials Discovery Lab, located in the physics department at CSUSM. Watch our new video to learn about the positive effects opportunities like this provide to students and their communities.
October 27, 2023
Watch VideoFusionScope Wins R&D 100 Award for 2023!
Quantum Design is incredibly proud to announce that the FusionScope has won the prestigious R&D 100 Award for 2023 in the Analytical/Test Category. For details about the award and the 2023 R&D 100 Gala Banquet to be held in San Diego, Calif. on November 16, click here.
August 22, 2023
Read MoreQuantum Design Joins Grand Opening Celebration at CSU San Marcos
Quantum Design joined CSU San Marcos and co-sponsor Lake Shore Cryotronics to celebrate the grand opening of the Teaching and Materials Discovery Lab. The ribbon cutting ceremony was preceded by symposium presentations on the importance of teaching physics to undergraduate students using modern, research-grade instruments. Read our press release, and view event photos.
August 11, 2023
Read MoreFusionScope Goes Viral on LinkedIn!
LinkedIn users were captivated with a video of the AFM tip scanning over a gold nanoparticle surface in real-time - made possible with FusionScope's Profile View. Visit to learn more about our innovative AFM/SEM correlative microscopy system.
July 25, 2023
Read More5th Annual Helium Conservation Day
Quantum Design's Vice President of Strategy and Innovation, Stefano Spagna, and UCSD Professor Brian Maple discuss the importance of helium conservation.
July 10, 2023
Watch VideoWatch the story of FusionScope's development!
Our team of researchers, engineers and software developers share their experience in designing and launching this innovative, easy-to-use instrument.
June 28, 2023
Watch VideoFusionScope™ Successfully Installed at Quantum Design Japan Offices
This week QD Japan became the proud home of a new FusionScope. The microscopy team received training from product manager Jeff Gardiner. The QD Japan team is excited to have a working FusionScope which they can use to demonstrate innovative, easy-to-use correlative microscopy.
April 27, 2023
Read MoreNew FusionScope Application Note Available on Bone Collagen
Correlative In-Situ AFM & SEM Analysis of Bone Collagen at the Nanoscale – Learn how to extract real 3D topography on hard to reach sample areas with sub-nanometer resolution and correlative SEM imaging.
April 14, 2023
Read More2022
Quantum Design Receives New Patent for OptiCool
Quantum Design Receives New Patent for OptiCool! A patent entitled "A Low Vibration Cryocooled Cryostat" has been awarded by the US patent office to Quantum Design. The three inventors Dinesh Martien, Will Neils and Randy Black are pictured with the patent.
November 9, 2022
Quantum Design Launches FusionScope – A New Correlative Microscope!
Quantum Design is very proud to announce the launch of FusionScope, an innovative correlative microscope that combines the power of AFM with the benefits of SEM imaging. Designed from the ground up ...
September 30, 2022
Read More4th Annual Helium Conservation Day, July 10, 2022
4th Annual Helium Conservation Day, July 10, 2022: 5 Fast Facts about Recycling Helium with Quantum Design. To learn more, visit
July 10, 2022
View VideoQuantum Design Celebrates 40 Years!
On April 12th, Quantum Design celebrated its 40th year in business at a small gathering of its employees in San Diego. To view a video timeline of Quantum Design's history and product development, please click here. Photos from the event can be seen here.
April 12, 2022
Read MoreQuantum Design International and ICSPI Announce Distribution Agreement
QDI has entered into an exclusive agreement with ICSPI, an innovative manufacturer of atomic force microscope (AFM) instruments. ICSPI's tabletop AFM instruments will be distributed by QDI in China, India, and Latin America.
February 1, 2022
Read More2021
Quantum Design Expands Education Initiative at Prairie View A&M University
Quantum Design has announced Prairie View A&M University in Texas as the winner of the Quantum Design Teaching Laboratory award for 2021. The award comes with the donation of a PPMS VersaLab ...
March 25, 2021
Read More2020
Quantum Design Introduces Its Next Generation of Helium Liquefiers and Recovery Systems
Quantum Design is excited to announce a new generation of helium liquefiers and purifiers that will greatly improve the helium recycling experience. To learn more, visit our microsite or read our product announcement.
October 22, 2020
Read MoreCryogenic Community Celebrates Helium Conservation Day 2020
Quantum Design joins other cryogenic companies and institutions to once again celebrate July 10th as Helium Conservation Day.
July 10, 2020
Read MoreQuantum Design Partners with Chicago Quantum Exchange
Quantum Design is pleased to announce its partnership with the Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE), a growing intellectual hub for the research and development of quantum technology.
July 7, 2020
Read MoreStory of OptiCool Development Published in Physics World
The physicists responsible for the design and development of OptiCool – Quantum Design's 7 T magneto-optical cryostat – were recently interviewed by Physics World.
April 22, 2020
View ArticleQuantum Design Product Update (March 2020)
QD is sorry to miss seeing you at recent and upcoming cancelled conferences. To inform you of recent product developments, please view our 2020 Product Update Presentation.
March 2020
View VideoQuantum Design and Sumitomo Cryogenics of America, Inc. Announce Collaboration
Quantum Design (QD) and Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America, Inc. (SCAI) announce their collaboration to launch a new variable speed helium compressor developed for use with cryogen-free instrumentation…
February 28, 2020
Read MoreQuantum Design Guests on Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination "Into the Impossible" Podcast
Dr. Stefano Spagna (CTO) and Ivy Lum Fipps (Dilution Refrigerator Final Test Engineer) were interviewed on the Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination podcast "Into the Impossible"...
January 13, 2020
Read More2019
Quantum Design Takes Part in Quantum Innovation Workshop
Quantum Design took part in a workshop, held by the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), to identify cryogenic technology advances that will enable a ten-fold improvement...
November 7, 2019
Read MoreQuantum Design China Holds Seventh Annual Users' Seminar
This month, Quantum Design China held its seventh annual users' seminar at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. October 10th is the centenary of the academician Chaosheng Hong, one of the pioneers...
October 10, 2019
Read More2019 Greg DeGeller QD Education Award Winner Announced
This year's Greg DeGeller award recipient is Silvia Sherman, a student working toward her B.S. in Applied Physics at California State University, San Marcos.
October 10, 2019
Read MoreAdoption of OptiCool in Research Laboratories
The OptiCool, named one of the most innovative products introduced in 2018 by R&D 100 magazine, is now being adopted by leading optics and photonics research laboratories around the globe.
October 1, 2019
Read MoreNew van der Pauw – Hall Transport Option Now Available
Expanding on the existing transport capabilities in the PPMS family of instruments, the van der Pauw – Hall Option enables the efficient measurement of both the van der Pauw resistivity and Hall coefficient...
October 1, 2019
Read MoreQD Japan and Tohoku University Open Joint Laboratory
Quantum Design Japan and Tohoku University have set up a collaboration lab within Tohoku University, named the "Quantum Design Japan Physical Property Measurement Laboratory."
September 2019
Read MoreQuantum Design Takes Part in "Correlated Electron Materials" Symposium
Quantum Design took part in a unique symposium entitled "Correlated Electron Material"” (see which was held in conjunction with a celebration honoring the 50 year career of ...
July 10, 2019
Read MoreQuantum Design Launches Worldwide Helium Conservation Day
Quantum Design has designated July 10th as Helium Conservation Day to raise awareness of this valuable resource. July 10th is the 111th anniversary of the ground-breaking work by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes ...
July 10, 2019
Read MoreAngstrom Scientific will distribute AFSEM in North America
Quantum Design International (QDI) announces the appointment of Angstrom Scientific Inc., as the North American distributor for the Quantum Design/GETec AFSEM, an AFM designed to provide in-situ studies ...
July 1, 2019
Read MoreQuantum Design International Announces Acquisition of GETec
Quantum Design International is proud to announce its acquisition of GETec, an Austrian company specializing in atomic force microscopy (AFM) instrumentation.
June 18, 2019
Read MoreQuantum Design Takes Part in Workshop and Teaching Lab Inauguration
On May 15th, 2019 a workshop entitled "Undergraduate Physics Laboratory in the 21st Century" was held in conjunction with the inauguration of the "Quantum Design Materials Discovery and Teaching Lab" ...
May 15, 2019
Read More2018
Quantum Design's OptiCool™ Announced R&D 100 Winner!
Quantum Design is proud to announce that OptiCool was named a winner of the R&D 100 Award for 2018 in the category of Analytical/Test.
November 26, 2018
Read More2018 Greg DeGeller QD Education Award for Best Student Submission – Josefa Gregorio
Recognizing the value of providing a wide range of educational modules on its education-focused website, Quantum Design (QD) recently awarded...
July 27, 2018
Read MoreQuantum Design Donates VersaLab™ to Columbia University Physics Department
Quantum Design's gift will foster transformative education and discoveries by enabling Columbia faculty and students to use a modern tool to better...
May 21, 2018
Read MoreQuantum Design Announces New OptiCool™ Platform
Quantum Design is proud to announce the introduction of our new 7 tesla magneto-optical platform. OptiCool is a new, revolutionary optical cryostat...
January 9, 2018
Read More2017
Quantum Design Applications Team Hosts Seminars
The Quantum Design Applications Team has been traveling across the world in 2017 to host seminars educating users on our latest measurement options.
December 6, 2017
Read MoreQuantum Design Recognized on Donor Wall at San Diego State University
Quantum Design has been recognized on the Campus Donor Wall for financial contributions totaling $273,000 to San Diego State University (SDSU).
November 4, 2017
Read More2016
Quantum Design Co-Founder Dr. Michael Simmonds Receives 2016 IEEE Award
Dr. Michael Simmonds, co-founder of Quantum Design, received the IEEE Award for Continuing Contributions in the Field of Applied Superconductivity...
September 2016
Read MoreQuantum Design Hosts Tour for International Cryocooler Conference (ICC 19)
Quantum Design, a member of the Cryogenic Society of America (CSA), offered a private tour of its headquarters on June 23rd, to International Cryocooler...
June 23, 2016
Read MoreQuantum Design International Moves into New Headquarters
In June of this year, Quantum Design International moved its global headquarters to be closer to its manufacturing facilities thereby creating...
June 2016
Read MoreQuantum Design Hosts Tours for MMM-Intermag Conference
Quantum Design hosted tours for attendees of the MMM-Intermag Conference that was held in San Diego, California on January 11-15. The tours occurred...
January 19, 2016
Read MoreQuantum Design Hosts Tour for Big Ideas Workshop
Quantum Design hosted a tour for attendees of the Big ideas in Quantum Materials Workshop that was held in La Jolla, California on December 14-17.
December 16, 2015
Read More2015
Quantum Design Announces New Website to Promote Science Education
Quantum Design believes in the importance of innovations for educating tomorrow's scientists and engineers, especially in the fields of...
June 1, 2015
Read MoreJerry Sanders visits Quantum Design on behalf of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce
Greg DeGeller (President of QD), Jerry Sanders (President & CEO, San Diego Chamber of Commerce), Dave Schultz (CFO of QD), and Martin Kugler (COO of QD).
April 6, 2015
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